About Benjamin D. Oppenheimer, DDS, FICOI

- Dr. Benjamin D. Oppenheimer
- Amherst, NY, United States
- Dr. Benjamin D. Oppenheimer is a graduate of the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. There he received a Dean's letter for Academic Excellence as well as the International Congress of Oral Implantologists award. He is now one of the leading experts in the world on Mini Dental Implants and a fellow of the ICOI. He has taught hundreds of dentists to use minis and has served as a consultant to the IMTEC Corporation, the manufacturer of the MDI product as well as Dental tech laboratories, Evolution Dental, Global Dental Sciences. He currently is a Key opinion leader to 3M ESPE Dental Implants. He is also the author of a number of scientific journal articles on the subjects of dental implants, bone grafting, mini dental implants and Cone Beam CT for dentistry. As well as offering dental implants, Dr. Ben provides all aspects of patient care for adults and children in Amherst, NY a suburb of Buffalo NY. He focuses on dental implant treatment in his buffalo office. Dr. Oppenheimer has also served as a business consultant for Jenius Industries Inc. and VBS Holdings LLC. He currently is a Member of Apex dental solutions, LLC, a mini implant marketing agency.
Concierge Dental Group opens in Williamsville, NY for dental implants and general dentistry
Tooth Loss is a Major Health Problem in Buffalo, NY...but dentures alone are not the answer
You might be surprised to know that about 30 million Americas are missing all their teeth in one or both jaws. In addition, according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) two in three Americans have missing teeth. The AARP says there is an “Over 50 Dental Crisis,” noting dental disease has become a silent epidemic among older Americans.
The greatest concern is that older adults with missing teeth often have lost them to periodontal disease. This disease of the gums and bone can result in bacteria and infection migrating through the bloodstream to vital organs. Adults with missing teeth are also unable to eat properly resulting in nutritional deficiencies.
Aside from dental and nutritional problems, missing teeth have a negative influence on self-confidence and social activities. Many family and social functions revolve around meals, and these situations can be difficult, if not embarrassing, for anyone who can’t chew properly. Also, when teeth are lost, the supporting jaw bone decreases as well causing shifting of adjacent teeth and negative changes to the bite.
Some adults with missing teeth rely on bridgework or dentures, but these require grinding down healthy teeth to anchor each side of the bridge. Bridges also tend to fail after only 5-10 years due to tooth decay or heavy bite forces that loosen the anchor teeth. As a result teeth supporting the old bridge are often lost, requiring insertion of longer bridges that further compromise the situation. Finally, removable dentures are bulky, uncomfortable and can result in speaking and eating difficulties.
It is no surprise that the AAID recommends dental implants as a better alternative to missing teeth. They preserve the jaw bone, do not decay, and function like natural teeth. Over the years there have been many innovations in implant dentistry, including 3D imaging, and the development of economical alternatives. One of these is mini implants. They are narrow, about the size of a toothpick, and can be used to stabilize a lower denture. In most cases, four mini implants are inserted in the front of the jaw using mild anesthesia. The denture is then carefully adjusted to allow it to snap onto the mini implants. If successful, the mini implants will firmly secure the lower denture and prevent slippage. Typically patients can eat lightly about an hour after the procedure.
Today, implant dentists apply the principles of evidence-based dentistry in their practices. Evidence-based research holds great promise for developing streamlined dentistry that will make implants more affordable for greater numbers of prospective patients.
About the Author:
Dr. Benjamin Oppenheimer is a leader in the field of Mini Dental Implants, and has taught hundreds of dentists how to use them. A frequent lecturer and author, he has helped hundreds of patients locally and nationally. Call 716-418-7272 for a free x-ray and Mini Dental Implant exam. Learn more at www.DrMDI.com.
Mini Dental Implants Cost Less Than Regular Implants...Why?
Mini Dental Implants cost significantly less than traditional large diameter implants. How can this be? Dentists typically set their fees based on the prevailing fee in the area. This is sometimes related to the dental insurance reimbursement rate for that specific procedure. But that's not the whole story. Fees are generally set by looking at costs of materials involved and also dentist time. So, lets take those two categories and apply them to mini implants while comparing them to standard or traditional dental implants.
Material Costs of Mini Dental Implants
The mini dental implant is a one piece titanium screw that comes sterilized from the manufacturer. One piece refers to the pre-attached abutment piece. That is the piece that protrudes above the gum-line. When these pieces are made together it eliminates extra steps in the manufacturing process and decreases the manufacturing expense for the implant producer. Only one drill is used which decreases the cost of the placement kit. Drills tend to be $60 or more and most kits can contain up to 15 drills. No bone grafting is needed for mini implants. Sterilized cadaver bone or synthetic bone can cost hundreds of dollars to procure. There are few special impression pieces or extra transfer parts that are used to make the denture or crown. These laboratory pieces and dramatically increase the cost of the restoration be it a denture, crown or bridge. That extra expense is used to calculate the price to the patient. The cost savings of mini implant procedures is realized by the dentist. With less overhead to the dentist, he or she can easily decrease the cost to the patient.
Time Associated with Mini Dental Implants
All dental treatments take up "chair-time", that is time spent in the dental chair. Dentists need to provide their services and make them profitable so they can pay for materials, staff, rent, electricity etc. The good news is, mini implants take much less chair- time than standard implants on average. Lets look at the procedure.
1. Mini implants are placed local anesthesia (a simple shot). Although some patients may request sedation for implant procedures, this is typically unnecessary and increases the time and cost of the implant procedure.
2. Mini implants are placed without an incision and flap. That is an extra step typically required with standard dental implants. It also requires sutures or stitches at the end of the procedure which can eat into chair time as well.
3. Only one drill is used with the procedure. This increases the speed to the finish of the implant procedure.
4. The implant can be placed with one or two instruments which speeds up the process as well
5. The MDI implant can be used immediately without the need to wait for healing. This means that the surgery and restoration can be combined into one visit and although it may be a bit longer, multiple office visits and scheduling costs the office more.
6. Follow up visits are time consuming as well. mini dental implants require fewer follow up visits than standard implants. There is no suture removal visit. Fewer relines because there is very little change to the underlying bone and soft tissues.
When evaluating the costs of mini implants with the above information, it is clear to see why there are significant differences in price from standard dental implants. One additional factor to consider is that there may be a "best implant for the job". There are many different implant sizes and shapes that are most appropriate given the patient situation. Maybe a standard implant is the best choice? Maybe a mini? Either way, mini implants offer significant advantages in the right circumstances. Schedule a consultation with a mini implant dentist to evaluate your options. To find a dentist near you visit http://www.minidentalimplantsolutions.com or call 888-258-6085.
Why Choose Mini Dental Implants by Benjamin D. Oppenheimer, DDS
As Seen In The Buffalo Healthy Living Magizine:
Why Choose Mini Dental Implants
When David came in to see me he had just been laid off from work, and the prospect of going on interviews with two missing teeth was overwhelming. When he asked about mini-implants he was shocked to learn they cost 50% less than regular implants and wanted to know why.
Approximately 50,000,000 people in the U.S. are "edentulous" (lacking teeth) and struggle daily with embarrassment due to missing teeth and discomfort due to loose or ill-fitting dentures, disagreeable breath, and the inability to enjoy the foods they love.
While dental implants come in a variety of brands and sizes, mini dental implants (MDIs) have becoming increasingly popular due to improved technology and lower cost. An MDI is a miniature titanium screw that acts like the root of your tooth, is very thin and small in diameter, and easy to implant even in thin bone. MDIs can also be used to connect or cement to a crown or bridge, so they are fixed in place instead of having to be removed like a denture. Sometimes they are used to replace one or more teeth, or an entire arch of teeth.
Today MDIs are FDA approved, and able to function as long-term supporting structures, rather than short-term or medium term devices. In fact, some have been successfully functioning in patients' jaws for several decades. But it is important to understand that all implant systems, as well as natural teeth, are subject to potential failure due to natural causes, including osteoporosis, poor oral hygiene, wear and tear, poor health, stressful biting habits, and lack of follow-up dental care. MDI implants, like regular dental implants, do not carry any actual or implied guarantee as to longevity. However, the loss of a mini dental implant is a far less critical event to a patient since it may be replaced at relatively minimal cost compared to conventional implants, and with minimal associated bone or gum deterioration.
Mini dental implants are surprisingly affordable, are usually available at a fraction of the cost of traditional implants, and have been changing the lives of patients all over the world. Meanwhile, Dave couldn’t be happier. He says, “Mini dental implants are really affordable, and cost me a fraction of what I would have paid for traditional implants. It was painless and I’m really happy!”
About the Author:
Benjamin D. Oppenheimer, DDS provides both regular and mini dental implants (MDIS). He has lectured to thousands of dentists all over the world, and has written extensively on the subject, and placed thousands of dental implants in his career. He sees patients at his office at 2000 Eggert Road in Amherst, NY. To learn more visit www.drmdi.com. To schedule a free consultation and obtain information about a personalized treatment plan call 716-418-7272.
Mini Dental Implant Solutions: Mini Dental Implant
Mini Dental Implant Solutions: Mini Dental Implant: Mini Dental Implant technology has revolutionized dental prosthetics. In today’s world, it seems that everything is getting smaller, and ...
Best Patients for Mini Dental Implants
I just got back from training 26 dentists from all over the country on mini dental implants. In these advanced courses I focus on helping the dentists increase the predictability of their mini dental implant cases. I have given presentations over 50 times on this subject and the same question comes up almost every course. Every body, Dentists and patients, want to know 'who is the best candidate for mini dental implant over-dentures'? Well, over the years I have helped hundreds of patients stabilize dentures in my dental office in Buffalo, NY with implants. Most often, patients are looking for a fast, easy and cost effective solution for their loose dentures. Accordingly, I recommend and patients often opt for the mini implants as opposed to standard diameter ones. In this post I'm not going to go into the benefits of one over the other, rather discuss the best candidates for the minis.
In my opinion, there are two types of patients who are ideal candidates for MDI (mini dental implant) over-dentures. Firstly, a patient who has been wearing lower dentures for decades and has suffered the inevitable, significant bone resorption in both height and width. Most of these patients cannot wear their denture at all or if they do the denture shifts and moves all around and is extremely uncomfortable. At this point, all the denture adhesive in the world won't help the patient. These people may have been seeking help from dentists who place traditional dental implants and have been either offered a very expensive and time consuming procedure involving bone grafting or have been told that they are "not a candidate" for implants because of lack of bone. Mini dental implants are great options for these patients. The second group of patients who benefit most from the MDI are those who have had all their lower teeth removed and have had a lower immediate denture placed and been trying to adjust to it for about a year. In this situation the patient has had about a year of bone healing which is ideal for the minis. Some people will never be comfortable with a lower denture just need implants to be comfortable. These patients benefit from the immediate stability the MDIs offer and the newer immediate denture can often be used with the mini implants to decrease costs.
Opportunities abound with new technology in dental implants today. If you fall into any of the groups above consider mini implants to solve your problems. If you live in the Buffalo and Western NY area call Dr. Oppenheimer at 716-418-7272 to schedule a free consultation on mini implants. If you are outside the area, go to mini dental implant solutions to find a qualified MDI dentist near you.
Dental Implants in Buffalo Offer Quality of Life Benefits
Are you missing one, two, or more teeth? Do you hide your smile because of missing teeth or spaces between your teeth? Do you lack confidence when you smile, speak or eat? Do you have trouble speaking, eating, or chewing? Do you have dentures that slip or cause sore spots? Do you have loose teeth, or advanced gum disease?
Missing teeth affect so many aspects of a person’s life and health. Remaining teeth shift, rotate and become crooked, causing an improper bite, as well as problems with chewing and digestion. Spaces and gaps between teeth often cause embarrassment, problems with speech, and lack of self-esteem. Patients with dentures of some sort – either partial or full are often uncomfortable or concerned about the partial falling out, and refrain from using it at all.
Imagine living in Buffalo and not being able to eat the things we love including chicken wings and beef on 'weck', hamburger instead of steak, or giving up on corn on the cob or apples because it’s embarrassing.
Today dental implants represent one of the most dramatic advances in modern dentistry, providing people a second chance for their teeth, and it’s important to understand what they are, how they work, and which ones are right for you.
What are dental implants?
A natural tooth consists of a crown (the part of the tooth that you see above the gum), and the root (the part of the tooth that is hidden under the gum and within the jawbone). The root is what actually holds the natural tooth in place. When a person is missing a tooth, the dentist decides how to recreate the crown portion, and the best method to hold it in place. This is why dental implants were created.
How do they work?
Dental implants are metallic cylinders that are placed into the jawbone where the original teeth once existed. These root-like cylinders are used to secure a replacement tooth in the spot where the tooth is missing. They can also be used to secure loose dentures, allowing them to function better and last longer.
Dental implants are made of various biomaterials. Usually a surgical metal called titanium is used because it is the most compatible with human biology. They are surgically placed in the jawbone, right in the dentist’s office, using a local anesthetic.
If you’ve heard that implants won’t work, or that they’re too expensive, you’ve been misinformed. Make sure you talk to a skilled clinician who can understand your needs. Today implants come in all shapes and sizes, including new mini implants. The technology has come a long way. What’s important is determining what works for you and what you can afford. Approved and tested implant systems are very successful. In fact, research shows more than 90% success rate at 20 years. Patients who take care of their new teeth can enjoy implants that last a lifetime.
About the Author:
Dr. Benjamin Oppenheimer is one of the leading experts in the world on mini dental implants. He offers free dental implant consultations, exam, x-rays and no interest two-year financing, 716-418-7272.